Women in Eye and Vision Research (WEAVR)
Women in Eye and Vision Research (WEAVR) is an initiative of the ARVO Foundation to further develop and strengthen women who are pursuing careers in the visual sciences. WEAVR supports and promotes networking, career development, and access to research opportunities for female vision scientists. WEAVR raises philanthropic dollars to support the ARVO Foundation through its annual WEAVR Luncheon.
The WEAVR Leadership Committee provides strategic direction for WEAVR’s fundraising activities and leads WEAVR’s initiatives for networking and career development for women.
Upcoming WEAVR initiatives:
WEAVR will host quarterly talks covering various career development topics, ranging from wellness to grantsmanship. These sessions are open to all ARVO members.
Creating your own personal Board of Directors: How to find a mentor and sponsor
Date/time TBA
Session leader:
Daisy Y. Shu, PhD
Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School (Boston, Mass.)
Attend this session to learn the differences between a mentor and a sponsor. Participants will also discuss the importance of building a network to advocate for you.